Ariel working on computer with dog on lap

I am Ariel.

Hi there,

A designer, advocate, artist, environmentalist and animal lover.

I am passionate about creating meaningful work for the clients I collaborate with to produce result-driven designs.

I bring my enthusiasm to everything I do and I believe that when you’re inspired by the work, going the extra mile becomes your daily routine.

Where it all began

I have been an art student since I could pick up a crayon and went on to study fine arts in college. I was lucky enough for my parents to support an art career and believe I could do it (even if they didn’t love every painting I made). Although I still love creating art with a paintbrush in hand, I was able to take everything I learned and transition that towards graphic design while reaching a wider audience.

With that knowledge I worked full time as a designer/art director at agencies for 10 years. This work came with big names such as Microsoft, Fox Searchlight, Verizon, Seth Rogen and many others. However it was also high pace, high stress with little reward. So I decided to start freelancing for clients who found ownership in their business and wanted to take the brands creatives to new heights. And thats when Ouziel Designs was born.

Black and white grainy image of walking away

And I haven’t looked back

Since starting Ouziel Designs, I have had the rare opportunity to focus on clients who feel aligned with my values. I have been able to put time and energy into creating meaningful work for brands who want to make a difference in this world.

My favorite brands to work with are ones who value sustainability, our planet and making a difference in our communities.

A few things

about me

I hope to open an animal sanctuary one day where I can rescue animals that need a loving home. Currently I have one rescue.

Animal lover

I also studied Environmental Studies and I volunteer with my local community to help make our city more sustainable.

Environmental Enthusiast

I love all things sweet but especially chocolate. The fastest way to my heart is with a dog meme and some chocolate.

Chocolate Obsessed

Let’s connect and see if we are a good fit to work together.

Follow my work on Instagram

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